Online Pre-Registration
The Online Pre-K and Kindergarten Pre-Registration Portal (OLR) for students NEW to the District is currently ACTIVE for those enrolling for the 2022-23 school year. Parents/Guardians without a Parent Portal (ParentVUE) account will create one. The creation of a new account requires a valid email address. Parents who have completed the online registration process may contact their child's zoned school to schedule the follow-up in-person appointment or the school registrar may reach out to the parent. The in-person appointment will finalize your child's enrollment.
Students who are currently enrolled in any NNPS Pre-K program to include the Early Childhood SPED program for the 2021-2022 school year, will not have to register for kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year.
If you are a Parent/Guardian with an existing Parent Portal (ParentVUE) account, you will use your current username and password to login to the Online Pre-registration (OLR) system. This will allow you to register additional new student(s). You do not need to register students already enrolled and continuing their next year with Newport News Public Schools.
Online pre-registrations for the upcoming 2022-23 school year for 1st–12th grade levels will be opening soon. Check back later for a start date.
OLR Highlights
- Parents and Legal Guardians can:
- create/activate a ParentVue account to use Online Pre-Registration.
- complete all pre-registration information online from any internet enabled device. However, for ease of access, a laptop/desktop computer will work best.
- save their work and return to finish later.
- pre-register all their children new to NNPS at the same time.
- upload supporting enrollment documentation.
- monitor the status of the pre-registration after it is submitted.
- Pre-registration screens guide parents/legal guardians and ensure that all screens and fields are completed.
- Every NNPS School has a computer available for online pre-registration for families that wish to complete the process at the school.
- Students will be pre-registered at their zoned school.
Important Enrollment Information
To help ensure that schools and students are well prepared for the first day of school, parents are encouraged to register their child or children at their zone school as soon as possible. Doing so helps our schools and teachers be equipped and ready to make each student's first day pleasant and productive.
Entering preschool: Children who are four by September 30 may be eligible for the NNPS Preschool program. Please visit the NNPS Preschool website for additional information.
Entering kindergarten: Children who are five by September 30 are eligible to enter kindergarten that school year.
A child who will be six years old on or before September 30 must attend school.
To determine which school your child will attend, use the NNPS School Zone Finder. Enter your address, and the finder will provide the names of the elementary, middle, and high schools assigned to each legal residence in the city. You may also call (757) 591-4500 to find out which school serves your neighborhood.
For more information about Virginia School Entrance Laws, please visit the Virginia Department of Education web site.

Enrollment Requirements Checklist (en español)
Certified copy of student's birth certificate - If a birth certificate is not available, you must complete an Affidavit: Absence of Certified Birth Certificate form.
Proof of legal residency - Two proofs of residence/address; a current lease agreement/mortgage statement and a current utility bill (electric, gas, water, sanitation dated within the last 30 days) showing the enrolling parent/legal guardian name.
Comprehensive Physical Examination (Pre-K–Grade 5) - A copy of a comprehensive physical examination from a qualified licensed physician or a licensed nurse practitioner, performed within the twelve months prior to the date the student enters pre-k, kindergarten or elementary school. If transferring from another school, school division or from out of state, a copy of such examination must be in the previous schools record and available upon request. A fillable pdf is available from the Virginia Department of Health (en español).
Immunization Records - Proof of immunizations for all students entering a public school. Month, day, and year of immunizations must be reflected. Kindergartners, entering school for the first time, must have immunizations verified on either a Virginia Form MCH-213G, public health department form, or an immunization document from a qualified licensed physician or licensed nurse practitioner. Please view the specific health and immunization requirements for school entry.
Proof of Academic Achievement - Provide your child's latest report card and/or withdrawal grades, or transcript (High School only). Records should include a complete address of previous school.
Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Eligibility/Plan (if applicable, current plan)
Custodial Court Order (if applicable)
Foster Care Plan (if applicable)
- Income Verification (preschool only) - Verification of income is required from all parents/guardians who have primary custody or contribute to the child's welfare to determine eligibility for NNPS Preschool. Please submit one of the following current financial documents with your online registration: W2, two weeks of pay stubs, child support, 2021 tax documentation, SNAP award. Please view the NNPS Income Verification details for additional information.

Click the link below to start the Online Pre-Registration process. View the Online Pre-Registration Reference Guide (en español) for detailed steps.
Students who are currently enrolled in any NNPS Pre-K program to include the Early Childhood SPED program for the 2021-2022 school year, will not have to register for kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year.

Once your pre-registration information has been reviewed, your child’s school will contact you by phone or email. To finalize registration, you must visit the school in person to provide your proof of identification and any additional information your child’s school may require.
Contact Us
Student Enrollment
Zoned School (Zone Finder)
Central Records,
(757) 591-4537
SIS Help Desk
(757) 283-7879 x.10007
Special Education
(757) 283-7850 x.10004
ESL Welcome Center
(757) 283-7823
Homeless & Foster Care
Jane Moreland
Program Administrator, Outreach Services
(757) 928-6765
Deadre Shoates
(757) 928-6765 x.38818
Discipline Enrollment
(757) 591-4924