Secondary English
A comprehensive language arts program consists of a variety of reading, writing, listening, and speaking components that foster the integration of communication, research skills, and teamwork. These components include a variety of literacy activities that progress from teacher directed, to guided practice, to independent learning and are woven into the classroom setting to create an environment that leads students to become independent readers, writers, and thinkers. Our classrooms should be "spaces where young people develop and cultivate agency, love, joy, community, and justice" (Green, NCTE).
Kelly McCoig
Instructional Supervisor
(757) 283-7850 x.10268
Danielle Smith
Instructional Specialist
(757) 283-7850 x.10236
Arleatrice Winters
Instructional Specialist
(757) 283-7850 x.10520
Maria Summa
High School Coach
(757) 283-7850 x.10217
Scott Weisiger
Middle School Coach
(757) 283-7850 x.10237