Congratulations to the 2020-21 NNPS Support Staff of the Year
Posted: May 3, 2021
These professional members of the Newport News Public Schools team dedicate themselves to advancing the mission by ensuring that students graduate college, career and citizen-ready. They are representative of more than 5,000 devoted employees who serve and support our students.

Sandra Forrest
Administrative Secretary
Denbigh Early Childhood Center

Diane Hargraves
Lee Hall Early Childhood Center

Troy Chambers
Marshall Early Learning Center

Avery Boyce
Lead Custodian
Watkins Early Childhood Center

Lori Ehrsam
Instructional Assistant
Gatewood PEEP

Carla Ash
Media Assistant
An Achievable Dream Academy

Marvin Baker
Security Officer
Carver Elementary School

Reginald Franks
Lead Bus Driver
B.C. Charles Elementary School

Julie Ward
Laboratory Instructional Assistant
Deer Park Elementary School

Laura Greenfield
Instructional Assistant
Discovery STEM Academy

Kelly Murphy
Cafeteria Manager
Dutrow Elementary School

Paul Jackson
Lead Custodian
Epes Elementary School

Sarolta Otvos-Waite
Librarian Assistant
Gen. Stanford Elementary School

Latasha Elliott-Rodgers
Instructional Assistant
Greenwood Elementary School

Anna Landrum
Hidenwood Elementary School

Charlotte Chisman
Lead Custodian
Hilton Elementary School

Sheilagh Dyson
Administrative Secretary
Jenkins Elementary School

Alfreda Ray
SPED Instructional Assistant
Kiln Creek Elementary School

Carol Alston
Cafeteria Staff
Lee Hall Elementary School

Lawanda Moss
Special Education Assistant
McIntosh Elementary School

Julie McNally
SPED LD Instructional Assistant
Nelson Elementary School

Loritta Scott
Cafeteria Manager
Newsome Park Elementary School
Presently a teacher at Denbigh High

Maria Henriquez
Social Worker
Palmer Elementary School

Lolita Purter
Instructional Assistant
Richneck Elementary School

Maggie Weisiger
Records Secretary
Riverside Elementary School

Agnes Darling
Records Secretary/Registrar
Sanford Elementary School
Presently at Gildersleeve Middle School

Kim Hiller
Instructional Assistant
Saunders Elementary School

Auturo McClendon
Sedgefield Elementary School

Tracy Parker
Cafeteria Manager
Yates Elementary School

Mike Grounds
Cafeteria Manager
Achievable Dream Middle & High

Nona Bacote-Holmes
Administrative Secretary
Crittenden Middle School

Jo Anna McCann
Instructional Assistant
Dozier Middle School

Clayton Dedmon
Security Officer
Gildersleeve Middle School

Lewis Shivers
Technology Support Specialist
Hines Middle School

Shavonne Grey
Huntington Middle School

Kara Pingitore
Passage Middle School

Rachel Hartmann
B. T. Washington Middle School

Yashimi Thompson
Instructional Assistant
Denbigh High School

Thyra Duck
Bookkeeper/Attendance Clerk
Enterprise Academy

Madige Campbell
Heritage High School

Brittany Williams
Graduation Coach
Menchville High School

Mavis Dixon
Registrar/Attendance Clerk
Point Option

Connie Johnson
Warwick High School

Katina Davis
Student Support Coordinator
Woodside High School

Andrea Carter
Compliance Support Specialist
Administration Building

Daryl Hackett
Assistant Warehouse Manager
Child Nutrition & Warehouse

Melinda Hayes
Payroll Assistant
Human Resources & Payroll

Phillip Hunter
Athletic Turf Manager
Plant Services

Kimberly Edney
South Morrison & Denbigh Learning

Christopher Nicholson
Database Developer

Nicole Massey
Transportation Analyst