Standards of Learning

SY 2021-2022 SOL Administration Schedule

Please use the Virginia Assessment Program Testing (SOL) to view important SOL information as it pertains to the 2021-2022 school year.

Newport News Public Schools administers screening and diagnostic assessments to determine support needs and monitor student growth throughout the school year.

Please choose your child's grade to download an informational letter to families.

Virginia Assessment Parent Portal

Results of State Assessments are now available for families when you log into Parent Vue.

Families can access this information under the Test History tab. Please see examples of the desktop view option and mobile view option. If families would like more information or have questions concerning their student's score report, they can contact their student's school's STC for assistance.

How to view assessments in ParentVue

Important note to families:

The Spring SOL Non-Writing testing dates are May 2nd - June 3rd.  To ensure the success of online testing, students must bring their fully charged Chromebooks to school on scheduled testing days.  In an effort to present the most optimal success, it is important to contact your student’s school for Chromebooks that need to be repaired prior to the testing window. 

In addition, the Technology department will be available to assist with minor or unforeseen malfunctions during testing.  However, please be mindful that the Technology Department does not have a surplus of "loaner" Chromebooks to accommodate students that do not bring a full-charged Chromebook to testing.

We appreciate our partnership with families to ensure your student has a successful and efficient testing administration.

The Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia Public Schools establish minimum expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, history/social science and other subjects.

SOL tests in reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science measure the success of students in meeting the Board of Education's expectations for learning and achievement.

All items on SOL tests are reviewed by Virginia classroom teachers for accuracy and fairness and teachers also assist the state Board of Education in setting proficiency standards for the tests.

Standards of Learning currently in effect are listed on the Virginia Department of Education website.

Changes to High School Standards of Learning (SOL) Testing

SOL Pass Rates and School Accreditation

Virginia Department of Education standards of accreditation require all schools to meet or exceed benchmarks for achievement in English, mathematics, science and history. High schools must also meet a graduation and completion index.

NNPS Division SOL Pass Rates and Accreditation

2002-03 |  2003-04 |  2004-05 |  2005-06 |  2006-07 |  2007-08 |  2008-09 |  2009-10 |  2010-11 |  2011-12 |  2012-13 |  2013-14 |  2014-15 |  2015-16 |  2016-17 | 2018-19 | 2019-20

Pass Rates Report, School Years 2018-2019 through 2020-2021
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are no results for the 2019-2020 school year. Virginia's annual Standards of Learning tests were canceled.

VDOE Accreditation Information

SOL and Accreditation News