Vocabulary: Word Study, Spelling, Meaning
Our goal is to provide students with authentic means to develop vocabulary through usage and application in all content areas.
- The curriculum provides direct spelling instruction in the reading and writing blocks, as well as content-specific vocabulary study across content areas.
- The spelling stages are part of the each grade level’s Success Criteria listed in the Local Assessments document.
- Spelling is assessed in multiple ways in reading:
- Students’ individual spelling stage is assessed quarterly
- Weekly activities provide formative assessments (spell sorts, generalizing, categorizing, and sentence dictation)
- Teacher selection of assessments on word patterns to determine student understanding of words within the same word family (differentiated)
- PALS assessments in grades K-3
- NNPS assessments and quarterly benchmarks
- Spelling is also instructed and assessed in writing:
- Peer and teacher revision provides corrective opportunities
- Writing conferences provide individualized instruction of spelling and word patterns
- Assessment by NNPS rubric
- The curriculum provides content-specific vocabulary study across content areas.
- English and SAT Prep courses emphasize root words, prefixes, and suffixes instruction.
- Vocabulary usage and spelling are also instructed and assessed in writing:
- Peer and teacher revision provides corrective opportunities
- Writing conferences provide individualized instruction of word choice, usage, and spelling
- Vocabulary study is integrated with authentic reading and writing. Teachers cull vocabulary from the unit texts and pre-teach to assist students in maximizing reading comprehension.