Social Emotional Competencies

- Act For Youth: Social Awareness
- Infobase: SEL & Beyond: Social Awareness
- American Psychological Association: Talking to kids about discrimination
- Learning for Justice: Lessons
- All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color (video)
- Sesame Street: We're Different, We're the Same (video)
- Sesame Street: Mark Ruffalo: Empathy (video)
- Empathy For Students (videos): Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3
- Michigan State University: The benefits of kids doing chores

- Act for Youth: Self-Management
- Infobase: SEL & Beyond: Self-Management
- Beyond Booksmart: Developing Emotional Regulation Skills Through Yoga
- Centervention: Free Social Emotional Learning Activities
- Cosmic Kids Yoga (video)
- Teaching Belly Breathing (video)
- Breathing Exercises for Kids (video)
- Tracing Fingers (video)
- Breathing Ball (Breath for Self-Regulation) (video)
- Counselor Keri: Resources to spark student growth
- Lazy 8 Breathing Painting Activity for Worry Group (video)
- Puppy Mind Read Aloud (video)
- What does it mean to be present? (video)
- Guided Imagery Relaxation (video)
- Hot Air Balloon Ride: A guided meditation for kids (video)

- Act For Youth: Relationship Skills
- Infobase: SEL & Beyond: Relationship Skills
- Good Therapy: "I" Message
- We Are Teachers: Team-Building Games and Activities for Kids
- eSchool News: 10 team-building activities for distance learning
- PBIS World: Teach Relationship Skills
- Sesame Street: Robin Williams: Conflict (video)
- The Power of Team-Work (video)
- Sesame Street: The Waiting Game with Guy Smiley
- Cyndi Lauper True Colors

- Act for Youth: Self-Awareness
- Infobase: SEL & Beyond: Self-Awareness
- University of Illinois Extension: Strategies for Empowering Students
- ABCYa: All About Me
- Sesame Street: Sings "What I Am" (video)
- Conscious Discipline: How Do You Feel Chart
- Kimochis: Free Resources
- Inside Out: Guessing the feelings (video)
- YouTube Playlist: Feelings