Special Education
What is a School Psychologist?
Richard Dirmeyer, Supervisor
(757) 283-7850 x.10528
Erika Boerger Daniel
(757) 283-7850 x.10414
School psychologists provide a variety of services that promote student success and improve school support systems, including:
Consultation and Collaboration
- Give healthy and effective alternatives to teachers, parents, and administrators to address difficulties in learning and/or behavior
- Help others understand child development and how it affects learning and behavior
- Strengthen working relationships between educators, parents, and community services
- Work with teachers to support effective, individualized instruction
- Participate in assessment and eligibility teams to determine a student's most appropriate educational placement
- Conduct psychological evaluations to assess abilities, learning strengths and weaknesses, and emotional/social functioning
- Design and implement curriculum based assessments
- Conduct functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) to drive the design of Behavior Intervention plans (BIP)
- Utilize a problem-solving framework to identify and address learning and behavior problems that interfere with school success
- Provide counseling, social skills training and mentoring for students struggling with social, emotional and behavioral problems.
- Help families and schools deal with crises such as death, illness, or community trauma
- Assist with development and implementation of individualized academic and behavioral interventions (i.e. through the Child Study process)
- Monitor and collect data to determine intervention effectiveness
- Design programs for children at risk of academic failure
- Provide parents and teachers with the skills to cope with disruptive behavior
- Implement school-wide prevention programs that help maintain positive school climates
Adapted from NASP article "What is a School Psychologist?"
http://www.nasponline.org/about_sp/whatis.aspx (English)
http://www.nasponline.org/resources/translations/whatis_sp.pdf (Spanish)