Model Teachers: Library
Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!
Jennifer Gratto
Content: Library
School: Heritage High
Years Taught: 38
What do you most love about teaching?
I love being able to see a student go from "I can't" to "I can!" I live for the light bulb moment, when it all comes into focus for learners. I get energy from my students that spurs me to do more. It's hard to imagine doing anything else.
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
All teachers can benefit from seeing the way others handle similar challenges. Even after 35 years of teaching, I'm always looking for more effective ways to handle a classroom situation, teach a particular skill or group of students, or manage my time & tasks. I don't profess to know to it all, but I have certainly figured out a few things over the years. If I can help someone else see a different/better way to do something, I'm thrilled!
Why do you love working in NNPS?
I'm a product of NNPS, having graduated from Denbigh High School in 1977. I moved back here from the west coast to teach in NNPS. I love the diversity of the student population and the challenges we face in teaching. NNPS is committed to ensuring every student graduates ready for the real world.
Karla Bradley
Content: Library
School: Discovery Stem Academy
Years Taught: 17
What do you most love about teaching?
I love building life-long relationships with the students I serve. I also enjoy celebrating the academic, social, and behavioral growth students make each year.
Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I am passionate about supporting teachers because there continues to be a teacher shortage. Many of the articles I read on teacher attrition discuss a need for on-going support throughout one’s teaching career.
What two words best describe you as a teacher? Why?
I have patience and perseverance. I know and understand that students respond more positively when patience is present. I also know that you can accomplish ANYTHING you desire through persevering.
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