Superintendent's Goals
goals for the 2018-2019 school year. The goals are aligned with the five areas of the strategic plan:
Superintendent Dr. George Parker has announced his- Quality Curriculum
- Employee Expertise
- Accountability Systems
- Community Connections
- Financial Resiliency
Quality Curriculum
- Develop and communicate a Framework for Effective Teaching; and establish a division-wide plan for building teacher capacity to improve teaching and learning through professional development and access to resources.
- Conduct a divisionwide Instructional Resource Audit to determine the quality, variability and equity or teacher classroom resources.
- Schedule an audit of the K-12 curriculum by an external service provider by the end of the school year.
Employee Expertise
- Support teacher retention by establishing a two-year Novice Teacher Professional Teaching Program by Spring 2019.
- Improve employee communication and climate through the establishment of Teacher and Support Staff Advisory Committees which meet quarterly with division leadership to discuss employee, climate, academic or safety related concerns.
- Collaborate with local government to Identify, Communicate and Advocate for reasonable adjustments to employee compensation and benefits based on the regional market.
Accountability Systems
- Establish metrics for assessing the effectiveness of the SPARK Program and Identify any necessary program adjustments by Spring 2019.
- Identify and acquire the necessary assessment tools to enable NNPS to: Assess grade-level equivalence; Determine student growth or progress; and provide intervention support for students who require Tier 2 or Tier 3 academic assistance.
- Decrease the disproportionate percentage of removals from instruction for Black students and Students with a Disability by 5% for the 2018-2019 school year.
- Utilize a tiered support model, with a K-12 collaborative school support team structure, to build capacity and increase the number of accredited schools to 30 schools (10%).
Community Connections
- Host a State of Schools Address for the community.
- Establish at a minimum (2) new community or business partnerships that support expanding opportunities for workforce development.
- Establish at a minimum (1) new partnership with higher education or local business that provides access and opportunity to higher education or employment for lowincome students.
- Complete an inventory of all community, business and educational partners for the division by December 2018
Financial Resiliency
- Monitor and ensure completion or progress on all division capital projects to include SCOT and Huntington Middle School.
- Monitor and communicate the status of revenue and expenditures related to the FY19 Budget to ensure proper fiscal accounting and reporting.
- Develop and communicate effectively, division priorities and budgetary needs through the development of an Estimates of Needs and Proposed FY20 Operating Budget.
- Cultivate community and stakeholder support in the development and approval of the Fiscal Year 2020 Operating and Capital Budgets.
- Ensure reporting of school spending is in accordance with the new ESSA requirements.