FAQ: Youth Development
Posted: September 2, 2020
Will afterschool activities be offered?
While schools are operating virtually, diverse extracurricular activities including clubs, mentoring, leadership and other enrichment activities will be offered virtually at the school and division level.
Where can I find information about extracurricular activities?
Virtual “club fairs” and other activities will provide information to students about student involvement opportunities. A list of available clubs and activities and how to connect to those offerings will be posted on each school’s webpage.
If I’m interested in a club or activity, how do I sign up?
An electronic interest form will be available on each school’s website to make it easy for students to sign up for various student organizations and activities.
Virtual field experiences may be offered as part of instruction or as an extra-curricular experience. No In-person field trips will be allowed until Beyond Phase III.
Will there be opportunities for student leadership?
Yes, student empowerment is an important part of school culture. Students will continue to lead as officers of student organizations, student council, Principal’s Advisory Groups, and various other school and division sponsored organizations.
Co-curricular activities will be offered virtually at the direction of the teacher or advisor, however, restrictions for in-person interactions will be governed by social distance and gathering guidelines.
How will student participation in co-curricular competitions be coordinated?
Some co-curricular student organizations, like DECA and FBLA, have annual competitions. Competitions will be held based on the regional, state and or national organization sponsoring the event. Virtual participation in those experiences is encouraged. Participation in in-person co-curricular events will not be permitted.
Will transportation be provided for students to attend conferences, competitions and other events?
Transportation to in-person events will not be provided.
Does a virtual club continue once we move to live instruction?
Virtual clubs and activities may transition to in-person student experiences at the discretion of the club advisor.
Yes, any club or activity can "bridge," if supported by the club sponsor.
Will students have opportunities to participate in performing arts, including drama and music?
There will be no in-person rehearsals or performances until the division returns to in-school operation. There will be virtual rehearsals and performances. This includes virtual solo performances and technologically blended performances of theater performances and music.
Will students be able to continue their morning broadcasts or other news programs?
Yes, student voice is an important part of the school community. Morning and other school broadcast programs will be encouraged to continue while schools operate virtually.
Yes, all students will have access to clubs and activities while schools meet virtually. School-based Youth Development teams are responsible for connecting all students with at least one club, sport or activity. Clubs and activities information will be translated and made available to schools.
Yes, students may participate in virtual conferences and competitions with permission. Students will be required to maintain good academic standing and complete any missed assignments/make up work.
Will proof of participation be required?